25 - 27 JUNE 2025


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Exhibitor Profiles

» Animal Identification Tags and Microchips.
» Antibiotics and other Anti-microbial.
» Artificial Insemination Kits and Tools.
» Automatic Foam-Fill Seal Machine.
» Automatic Feeders.
» Automation of Farm Systems.
» Bag Closing Machines.
» Biotechnology.
» Bio-Gas Facility Installation.
» Boxes and Feed Bags.
» Breeding Techniques and Management System Software.
» Bulk Grain Trucks.
» Capping Machine.
» Chick Weighers and Conveyors.
» Chick Counting Machines.
» Cold Storage.
» Climate Control Equipment.
» Computer-Aided Animal Health and Production System Software.
» Diagnostic Tools, Equipment and Services.
» Diesel-fueled Space Heaters.
» Disinfectants and other Chemicals.
» Dairy Product and Milking Machines.
» Drinking Nipples and Water Troughs.
» Egg Crates and Trays.
» Egg Packaging, Processing and Grading Machine.
» Electrical Fencing.
» Energy Saving Systems.
» Feed Additives, Supplements and Premixes.
» Feed Ingredients and Alternative Feeds.
» Feed Mill Installation.
» Feed Processing and Manufacturing Equipment and Machineries.
» Fencing Materials.
» Filling Machines.
» Food Packaging.
» Frozen Meat.
» Floor Litter.
» Government Regulatory Functions and Services.
» Grasses and Roughages.
» Grains and Protein Meals.
» Harness and other Animal Restraining Tools.
» Heat and Lighting Systems.
» High Pressure Sprayers, Pumps and Accessories.
» Incubators.
» Industry Trends and Publications.
» Insecticides, Rodents and other Pest Control Chemicals.
» Insulation Materials and Ventilation Equipment.
» Livestock and Poultry Breeder Stock and Genetic Materials.
» Livestock Insurance.
» Livestock Stalls, Pens, Cages and other Housing Materials.
» Livestock Transport and Carriers.
» Logistics Software for Feed Formulation and Balancing Nutrients.
» Meat and Meat Products.
» Merchandizing and Marketing Techniques and Services.
» Metal Detectors.
» Pharmaceutical, Vaccines and Biologic.
» Quality Analysis Laboratory Tools and Equipment.
» Quality Control and Regulator Issues.
» Rapid Test Kits for Feed and Food Analysis.
» Refrigerated Trucks.
» Security Systems.
» Slaughterhouse Tools, Equipment, Rendering and De-hairing Machines.
» Slurry Purification and Processing Facility.
» Surface Hardening Materials.
» Yard Cleaning Machines.
» Veterinary Medicines and other Farm Supplies.
» Waste Processing Equipment.
» Waste Water Treatment Systems.
» Winch Motors
and many more